Are Heavy Internet Users Anti-Social?
"The Net Effect of Internet Usage"
A new report, The Statistics Canada study, suggests that internet users may indeed spend less time with friends and family, however it does not indicate that they are anti-social. The study asked people to keep a record for all of their activities over a 24-hour period, and the study distinguished between time spent online for personal use versus time spent for work or education purposes.
It was found that heavy internet users spend less time sleeping and relaxing, and that they tend to be home bodies. They also spend less time doing outdoor activities, going to movies, and doing volunteer work. However, shockingly, the study showed that although heavy internet users tend to stay home often, they are no more inclined to spend time with family than non-users. It actually showed that heavy users actually spend approximately 30 minutes less per day with loved ones than non-users. However, both heavy users and light/non-users said given more free time in a day, their first priority would be to spend more time with loved ones.
Statistics Canada also found that heavy internet users took part in their hobbies in solitude quite often. The study found that internet users spend approximately two hours more a day alone than do non-users. However, when internet users where asked about social groups, they reported having just as large a network as non-users. Although many of these users

The report suggests that people who spend a lot of time online are not anti-social; they are “differently social.” Heavy internet users also reported feeling more laid back and less stressed than non-users. These heavy internet users were on average 8 years younger than non-users, and 60% were male. Students and the unemployed accounted for a higher proportion of the heavy users than non-users.
Internet Junkie picture found here
I do agree that sleep loss will result from over usage of the Internet, however accusations stating the Internet reduces relaxing time or creates anti-social tendencies should not be taken seriously. In all actuality, one could argue that using the Internet is relaxing; I know it is for me. And it is interesting to know that heavy users spend less time outdoors, going to movies, and doing volunteer work. I am a huge advocate of Internet usage, however I also find it important not to stray from social relationships or sever time spent with family members, relatives or friends. Programs like instant messenger and e-mail have opened endless doorways to communication with much ease and ultimately have created a positive effect for those that have choosen to use them.
5:30 AM
This was a very interesing blog to read although the information is not surprising by any means. I know several people who are on the internet way too often. I understand where they are coming from in that they still have a large group of friends even though these so-called friends only communicate online. I feel that there is a fake reality when having friends online. You do not know what they look like and you can not tell if they are being honest. Actually hanging out with someone in person is obviously completely different than just talking to them online. There is more emotion and feeling. I am afraid that this will become a future trend as more and more people grow familiar with using the interent. I personally have friends that I solely talk to in person and I also know some people who I am only able to talk to online since they do not live close by. And although I am able to still stay close with those people who I only communicate with online it still does not compare to talking to someone in person.
6:21 PM
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